WATCH: Youth ‘thrashes’ Sweden’s Mamika over Holy Quran desecration

Monitor News Desk

In a recent incident that has garnered significant attention, Salwan Momika, the individual linked to a series of Quran burnings that triggered diplomatic tensions and heightened Sweden’s terror threat level, was reportedly assaulted in the city of Södertälje, south of Stockholm. According to reports from Swedish newspaper Aftonbladet, Momika was attacked by an individual wearing boxing gloves, with the incident even being filmed and shared on the TikTok app.

The video apparently captures the assailant challenging Momika, saying in Arabic, “Come on, let’s play, you and me.” Momika is reported to have used a placard in retaliation before the attacker eventually walked away. The video was also shared on social media platforms:

It is essential to note that Salwan Momika has been at the center of controversy due to his involvement in Quran burnings, actions that have sparked outrage and diplomatic conflicts, particularly in Muslim-majority countries. Momika, originally an Iraqi refugee, has expressed support for the far-right Sweden Democrat party and has advocated for banning the Quran. He is currently under investigation for alleged hate crimes related to his Quran burning protests.

In recent months, these protests have taken place in locations including outside Stockholm’s primary mosque, as well as outside the embassies of Iran and Iraq. The acts have led to condemnations and diplomatic tensions, further emphasizing the need for dialogue and understanding in addressing such sensitive issues.

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