Watch: Leopard hunting a pet dog

Monitor News Desk

A leopard was caught on camera hunting a pet dog  Nashik.

In CCTV footage, a leopard can be seen chasing a pet dog. Later he pounced upon the dog and took him away

“We appeal to the people of Mungsare village to remain indoors at night as leopard activity has increased in this area. People must remain alert: Pankaj Garg,” tweeted  Deputy Conservator of Forest, Nashik 

The video has more than 65,400 views on Twitter with reactions from users raising concern.

Last year in December, a leopard was caught on camera hunting a pet dog somewhere in south India. An IFS officer shared the video on his Twitter handle.

In the video, a leopard can be seen jumping over a gate and overpowering the dog. Later the animal melts away in the darkness taking along its prey

In June 2021, CCTV footage from the Bhuse village showed a leopard taking away a dog sleeping outside a house.

With shrinking forest areas, wild animals have been breaching human habitations in search of food.

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