Watch: ISRO releases stunning Moon images

In a remarkable feat, ISRO (Indian Space Research Organisation) has unveiled a collection of captivating images of the Moon, all courtesy of the cameras strategically positioned on the Lander Module of the Chandrayaan-3 spacecraft.

These extraordinary images were captured immediately following the separation of the Lander Module from the Propulsion Module, an event that took place on Thursday. Among the remarkable lunar features depicted in the images are craters that have been identified by ISRO as ‘Fabry,’ ‘Giordano Bruno,’ and ‘Harkhebi J.’

The images, taken on August 15th by the Lander Position Detection Camera (LPDC) and on August 17th by the Lander Imager (LI) Camera-1, have been shared by ISRO on X (formerly known as Twitter). These remarkable visuals offer a tantalizing glimpse into the Moon’s intriguing landscape and represent a significant achievement in India’s ongoing space exploration endeavors.

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