Watch: Bride, groom families exchange blows over pictures

Monitor News Desk

A wedding venue became a wrestling ring in Uttar Pradesh when a scuffle broke out between the groom and bride’s families over clicking pictures.

A video of the fight has gone viral on social media in which the family members of the groom and bride can be seen hitting and pushing each other.

In the video, a few men can be seen trying to defuse the situation by taking the groom away while a distressed woman can be heard screaming in the background as some people try to stop the fight.

According to a News 18 report, the incident took place in Shahganj area of Agra. Reportedly, the brawl started after the bride and groom’s family members got into an argument about clicking photos and dancing.

The heated argument ended up in a nasty fight turning the wedding venue into a battlefield. The visuals captured the attendees left in complete chaos as both families fought.

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