Unique ID to every house, street, heritage site in Srinagar soon: Div Com Kashmir

Srinagar, Aug 28: Divisional Commissioner Kashmir VK Bidhuri Monday said every house, street and heritage in Srinagar district to get Unique Identification Number which will help every individual and authorities to identify the person or place without any inconvenience.

“The allotment of Unique ID is a process that has been taken under Smart City Project. In Srinagar it was executed earlier on trial basis and soon will be extended to beyond Srinagar,” Divisional Commissioner Kashmir VK Bidhuri said.

He said the Unique ID will help relatives and others to identify and reach out to the location without any inconvenience.

“This will be a guide to people and authorities to locate the place and find out the person or house hassle-free,” he said.

Notably the project of allottment of Unique ID to every household and business venture in central Kashmir’s Srinagar district was taken up in year 2022 on trial basis. Authorities had established a well-equipped and hi-tech Command Control System (CCS) in HMT Srinagarin this regard to monitor activities in the district.

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