Tourist banned for life after ‘teasing’ panda

Monitor News Desk

A tourist has been handed a lifetime ban from the Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding in Sichuan, China after using a selfie stick to taunt one of the pandas. The incident, which occurred on July 3, involved the man teasing a 3-year-old male panda named He Ye by dangling his selfie stick in front of the animal, leading it to believe it was food. While this act garnered amusement from onlookers, the consequences were severe.

Following the incident, the Chengdu Research Base took swift action and announced on July 6 that the 34-year-old man, identified as Song, would be permanently banned from the base as well as the nearby Panda Valley. The actions of Song were considered potentially harmful and disrespectful, leading to the strict penalty imposed by the sanctuary.

The Chengdu Research Base of Giant Panda Breeding is dedicated to the well-being and protection of pandas, and it enforces strict rules for visitors to ensure the animals’ welfare. These rules include prohibitions against feeding the animals, littering, using flash photography, tapping the glass enclosures, and, as Song discovered, teasing or tempting the pandas.

This incident is not the first time tourists have faced severe consequences for breaching the rules at the Chengdu Research Base. Earlier this year, several individuals were barred and received warnings for engaging in uncivilized behavior, such as throwing candy wrappers and water bottles at the pandas or failing to control their children. Some visitors received one-year bans from the sanctuary, while a 65-year-old visitor was permanently banned for life.

In another case, a woman received a lifetime ban after she threw a corncob into an outdoor space, which was subsequently consumed by a panda. While the panda was not harmed, the visitor faced permanent exclusion from the sanctuary due to her actions.

The strict rules enforced at the Chengdu Research Base are necessary to ensure the health and well-being of the pandas, as their diets require careful monitoring. Any disruption caused by visitors who feed or disturb the animals can have serious consequences, hence the severe penalties imposed on those who violate the guidelines.

The incident involving Song and the subsequent lifetime ban reinforce the sanctuary’s commitment to protecting these endangered species. It serves as a reminder to all visitors of the importance of respecting the rules and guidelines set forth by such facilities, which are crucial for the conservation and welfare of the animals they aim to protect.

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