Safety Imperative

Over 400 fatalities and more than 3,000 injuries were reported during road accidents in just the first six months of this year. Media reports indicate that on an average nearly three people die daily in road accidents in Jammu and Kashmir. Over the past five years, the death toll from road accidents has consistently hovered around 800 annually, with a staggering 4,200 lives lost during this period. The Jammu region, particularly areas like Pir Panjal and the national highway, has witnessed some of the most devastating road accidents. Last year in November, a tragic accident in Doda claimed the lives of 39 people and left 17 others injured when a passenger bus veered off a mountain road, plummeting 300 feet down onto another road. More recently, in the Daksum area of Anantnag, eight family members were killed after their car fell into a deep gorge. These incidents point to the dangerous driving conditions in the region, especially in high-altitude areas. Several factors contribute to the high incidence of road accidents in Jammu and Kashmir. According to the Ministry of Roads and Transport, major causes include vehicle design and condition, road engineering flaws and driver behavior. Over-speeding, drunken driving, driving on the wrong side, jumping red lights, and using mobile phones while driving are all significant contributors to road mishaps. The challenging terrain, particularly in mountainous regions, increases these risks and it makes accidents more frequent and often more deadly. Driver negligence is a leading cause of road accidents in Jammu and Kashmir. In many cases, drivers fail to adhere to speed limits or drive recklessly, especially on the national highway, where most accidents in the Kashmir region are concentrated. The use of mobile phones while driving, a common practice despite being illegal, further distracts drivers, increasing the likelihood of accidents. Drunken driving and the consumption of drugs while behind the wheel are also reasons behind the high number of road accidents. Raising awareness about road safety is crucial. The traffic department has been actively involved in promoting road safety through various campaigns, but more needs to be done. Public education initiatives that emphasize the dangers of reckless driving, the importance of seat belts, and the risks of using mobile phones while driving can help change driver behavior. Improving road infrastructure is another critical aspect of preventing accidents. Proper road engineering, especially in high-altitude areas, can reduce the risk of vehicles skidding off roads or colliding with other vehicles. Installing adequate signage, guardrails, and speed breakers in accident-prone areas can help mitigate the dangers posed by the region’s challenging terrain. Regular vehicle maintenance is also essential to ensure that vehicles are in good condition and less likely to malfunction on the road. The traffic authorities should enforce strict inspections of vehicles, especially those operating in high-risk areas, to prevent accidents caused by mechanical failures. Finally, strict enforcement of traffic laws is vital. This includes cracking down on over-speeding, drunken driving and the use of mobile phones while driving.

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