Prophet Muhammad (SAW) through reflection of Surah Al-Masad


Tousif Raza

The Quran is undeniably the Book of Allah, a source of guidance filled with profound wisdom for all of humanity. Thinkers from various religions agree that this final revelation, sent down to the last Prophet, Muhammad Mustafa (peace be upon him), holds unmatched significance. Within its pages, the Quran not only provides light for our paths but also honors the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him), whose character and teachings continue to inspire countless generations. Despite centuries of efforts by those who seek to undermine him through insults and slander, the dignity of our beloved Prophet remains intact. The revelation of Surah Al-Masad serves as a powerful reminder that anyone who disrespects him will ultimately face consequences. Moving ahead let’s explore the deep meanings and contemporary relevance of Surah Al-Masad, sending a clear message to those who oppose the teachings of Islam. The status of our Prophet is unparalleled, and this exploration reaffirms his enduring legacy in a world that often struggles with misunderstanding and division.
The Beauty of Surah Al-Masad
Surah Al-Masad, also known as Surah Al-Lahab, holds profound significance within the Quranic text. Comprised of just five verses, (Translation) (1) May the hands of Abu Lahab be ruined, and ruined is he. (2) His wealth will not avail him or that which he gained. (3) He will [enter to] burn in a Fire of [blazing] flame. (4) And his wife, the carrier of firewood. (5) Around her neck is a rope of [twisted] fiber. This surah encapsulates powerful themes of divine justice, the futility of material wealth, and the consequences of enmity toward the Prophetic message. In an era where these lessons remain as relevant as ever, Surah Al-Masad serves as a timeless reminder of the beauty and depth of the Quran’s teachings. At first glance, Surah Al-Masad may appear to simply recount the fate of Abu Lahab and his wife, but its multi-dimensional approach reveals deeper layers of meaning. Various tafsir, including those of esteemed scholars like Ibn Kasir, Al-Qurtubi, and Al-Muyassar, shed light on the multifaceted nature of this surah.

  1. Divine Justice: The central theme of divine justice is prevalent throughout the surah. Ibn Kasir emphasizes that neither wealth nor lineage can shield one from the consequences of their actions, stating, “His wealth will not avail him or that which he gained” (Tafsir Ibn Kasir). Abu Lahab’s status and material possessions did not save him from Allah’s wrath. This serves as a powerful reminder that, in the eyes of the Divine, righteousness outweighs worldly success.
  2. Rejection of Truth: Tafsir Al-Tabari highlights the surah’s warning against rejecting the truth, explaining that Abu Lahab’s “obstinacy led to his ruin.” His enmity toward the Prophet Muhammad(SAW ) exemplifies the dangers of pride and stubbornness. In today’s context, this serves as a reminder to remain humble and open to the truth, regardless of our social standing or achievements.
  3. Accountability for Actions:
    The imagery of Abu Lahab’s wife carrying firewood, as detailed in the tafsir of Al-Samarqand and Al-Maturidi, illustrates the concept of accountability. Al-Samarqandi notes, “Her actions contribute to her punishment,” signifying that individuals are responsible for their roles in the opposition to truth. This aspect encourages individuals to reflect on their actions and their impact on others, underscoring the importance of personal responsibility.
    Multi-Dimensional Approach and its Modern Application
    Surah Al-Masad’s message extends beyond its immediate narrative. Its multi-dimensional approach enables it to address various societal issues, making it applicable in today’s world:
    Social Justice: The surah underscores the importance of social justice and equity. In a time when inequality and injustice persist, the reminder that divine justice prevails encourages individuals and communities to advocate for fairness and compassion. Al-Qurtubi states, “This surah serves as a clear proclamation of Allah’s displeasure with those who oppose Him.”
    Materialism in comparison to Spirituality
    The futility of wealth in the face of divine judgment is a crucial lesson. In an age dominated by consumerism, Surah Al-Masad challenges individuals to prioritize spiritual growth over material accumulation. Al-Muyassar notes that “the surah encourages believers to remain steadfast in their faith despite material pressures.”
  • Unity and Loyalty: The opposition faced by the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) from his own family serves as a poignant reminder of the importance of loyalty and unity among believers. Today, this lesson is vital for fostering communal harmony and support in the face of adversity. Al-Khazin emphasizes that the surah “serves to reassure believers that those who oppose the truth will ultimately face failure.”
    The Divine Height of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)
    Surah Al-Masad also highlights the exalted status of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) through its condemnation of his detractors. Despite the fierce opposition from figures like Abu Lahab, the Prophet’s divine mission remains unassailable. The various tafsir illustrate that Abu Lahab’s hostility only serves to elevate the Prophet’s stature and reinforce the truth of his message. Ibn Kathir states that “Allah’s protection of the Prophet is absolute,” emphasizing the unwavering commitment of the Prophet to the message of Islam, despite personal trials. This relationship between the Prophet and his opposition highlights the inherent strength of faith against adversity. In the face of ridicule and hostility, the Prophet Muhammad (SAW) remained steadfast, a testament to his character and the truth of his message.
    Surah Al-Masad is not merely a historical account of Abu Lahab’s demise; it is a timeless reminder of the principles of justice, accountability, and the power of faith. Through its multi-dimensional approach, it encourages believers to reflect on their actions, prioritize spirituality, and remain loyal to the truth. The divine height of Prophet Muhammad (SAW) shines brightly against the backdrop of this surah, illustrating the ultimate triumph of faith over disbelief. As we navigate the complexities of modern life, the teachings of Surah Al-Masad resonate profoundly, urging us to cultivate a deeper understanding of our responsibilities as individuals and as a community. In embracing the wisdom of this surah, we can strive to embody its principles, fostering a society rooted in justice, compassion, and unwavering faith.
  • Tafsir Ibn Kasir
    -Tafsir Al-Jalalayn
    -Tafsir Al-Qurtubi
    -Tafsir Al-Samarqandi
    -Tafsir Al-Muyassar
    -Tafsir Al-Khazin
    -Tafsir Al-Tabari
    -Tafsir Al-Maturidi

(The author is an English literature student and hails from Tangmarg and can be reached at

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