`Prayas’: Hope for strays this winter as Rs 1 lakh raised 

SRINAGAR:  In paradise, a rescue ranger has embarked on a journey to help stray animals.

Meet Khushi P Gillani, a 12th grader who is championing the cause of stray animals in Kashmir.

Khushi, whose `Prayas’ fundraising event was a roaring success, today donated the proceeds to the Animal Husbandry Department and a local NGO to help out the stray animals in Kashmir.

“I had an exhibition where I sold candles. I earned around Rs only lakh. I am donating entire proceeds to the Animal Husbandry department and an NGO. I am not giving cash. I have bought different items including injections, bandages, cat food and clothes< Khushi said.

Since childhood, Khushi could not endure cruelty to animals. That is why she always wanted to do something for strays.  Her quest for animal welfare took her to a different world. Since she was good at baking, she decided to use her skills to help the animals.  

Come 2022, she organized a special exhibition cum sale of home-baked items, and the proceeds were used for feeding strays.

“During winter, animals face problems. It is very hard for them to survive. My event was not only to collect money for animal welfare but also to create awareness among the people. Such events will continue. However its contour will be different,” she said

Dozens of women had set up stalls at the exhibition to showcase their products. Braving bone-chilling cold, scores of people thronged the exhibition.  What made the exhibition unique is that it is driven by women. Entrepreneurs used the occasion to appeal to the government to come forward and organize such exhibitions for businesswomen so that they could show their talent. 

“Since her childhood, my daughter was very much concerned about the stray animals. She used to be concerned about the animals. Even we adopted some animals which we gave to some other people for adoption. Last year too she did an event to support the animals,” said Khushi’s mother.

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