NSSO organizes self- compilation camp for filling of returns on Annual Survey

Monitor News Desk

Srinagar : National Sample Survey Office (Field Operations Division), Regional Office Srinagar organized Self- Compilation camp for filling of Returns on Annual Survey of Industries 2021-22 in Srinagar
National Sample Survey Office (Field Operations Division), Government of India under Ministry of Statistics & Programme Implementations, conducts survey on Annual Survey of Industries.

This Camp on self-Compilation was organized to sensitize the business associations about self-compilation of Statistical Return by the business entities.
A session of hand holding training was organized, in which Senior Statistical Officers gave the training to the representatives of various Industrial Units.

The Conference was inaugurated by Surraya Anwar, Incharge, and NSSO (FOD) Regional Office Srinagar. In her inaugural Speech a broad overview about the objectives/ scope/coverage on the Annual Survey of Industries was highlighted.

Further, Surraya Anwar in her speech address spoke about the inception of Annual Survey of Industries since 1960 and told that it was previously conducted under the collection of Statistics Act 1953. She further added that presently the survey is conducted under the collection of Statistics Act, 2008 as amended in 2017 under the rules framed there under in 2011. Incharge also addressed that ASI is designed to obtain comprehensive and detailed data with the objective of estimating the contribution of Registered Manufacturing Sector as a whole to the Gross Domestics Product (GDP) of the country.

The conference was attended by around of 50 representatives from various Industrial Units of District Srinagar and Baramulla. The overall coordination / comparing of this Camp was done by Arif Iqbal Bhat and Sheikh Taheen Mustafa, Sr. Statistical Officers of NSSO (FOD), Regional Office Srinagar.

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