‘Mela Kheer Bhawani’: DHSK reviews health care arrangements

TULMULLA: Director Health Services Kashmir Dr Mushtaq A Rather today visited Tulmulla, Ganderbal to review the status of health care preparedness in view of the upcoming Mela Kheer Bhawani.

He directed the concerned officers to ensure adequate health care facilities to the devotees so they do not face any inconvenience during their visit to Mata Kheer Bhawani Temple. He also instructed for making the processes hassle free.

He also took detailed status of availability of medical supplies like drugs, equipments and other logistics that have been made available for the devotees.

During the course a detailed health care action plan for the religious gathering was briefed to DHSK by I/C CMO Ganderbal and BMO Ganderbal.MS DH Ganderbal was also present during the visit.

On this occasion DHSK while attending a meeting, convened by Div Com Kashmir Vijay Kumar Bidhuri (IAS), Director Health Kashmir apprised the chair about the health care arrangements that shall be available for the devotees round the clock.

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