These Are The Many Health Benefits Of Clove Oil

Cloves are the aromatic flower buds of trees that abound in Asia. India is one of its primary producers. Cloves can offer many health benefits and so does the oil extracted from it. Clove oil has many antimicrobial, anti fungal, antiseptic and antiviral properties. From treating acne, cough, asthma, reducing gum diseases, to improving blood circulation, clove oil is the cure for a lot of things. It is rich in minerals, such as calcium, iron, sodium, potassium and vitamin A and C. Here are the 7 health benefits of clove oil that we have compiled for you.

  1. Builds Immunity System

Just like clove, clove oil also helps in building the immunity system and helps the body fight against disease causing pathogens. It has great antioxidant properties which help the body fight various infections, and are essential for a healthy heart. It also gets the body rid of the cancer causing free radicals that enter the body.

  1. Improves digestion

Clove oil has traditional benefits against indigestion, diarrhea, nausea and intestinal gas problems. Clove oil stimulates the secretion of digestive enzymes which in turn helps to improve digestion. It can also help against hiccups and morning sickness.

  1. Treats acne

Clove oil has anti-microbial properties and therefore is beneficial in treating acne. It first stops the acne from spreading on your skin and due to its purifying properties; it helps reduce the inflammatory pain caused by pimples. It rejuvenates the skin and increases blood flow to the surface which helps in keeping the skin healthy.

  1. Increases blood circulation

Clove oil helps in increasing the metabolism of the body by increasing the blood circulation throughout the body. It reduces tension in the blood vessels and thus, helps in reducing headaches.

  1. Controls diabetes

Clove oil helps in controlling diabetes by controlling the blood sugar levels. It is one of the traditional remedies for diabetes.

  1. Reduces stress and headaches

When added to salt and applied on the forehead, clove oil has a cooling effect on the body. This helps in getting rid of a headache. Clove oil also helps increase the blood flow, which reduces the tension in the blood vessels, this also aids in providing relief from a chronic headache.

  1. Reduces nausea

Clove oil reduces nausea by ensuring a happy stomach. Its anesthetic properties help in proper digestion and helps you get rid of your nausea.

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