LG Sinha goes hard on narco-terror network, 6 dismissed from service

Srinagar, Aug 3: Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha-led administration has launched a massive crackdown to dismantle the terror ecosystem in Jammu and Kashmir.

To start with, six government officials including policemen found involved in narcoterror have been dismissed from services.

According to top sources in the J&K government, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha invoked 311 (2) (c) of the Constitution of India to sack the 6 employees after a painstaking investigation established that they were part of a narco-terror network run by Pakistan ISI and terror outfits operating from its soil.

Sources said J&K Police had collected incriminating material evidence against them, which revealed that police constables instead of helping the force to fight the narco-terror sponsored by Pakistan ISI and terror outfits. They chose to be a collaborator and a mole, thus betraying their oath and uniform and displaying disloyalty towards the nation.

 “Narco-terror is one of the biggest threats to the country’s security and war on Narco-terror network is a critical component of the war on terrorism to eliminate terror ecosystem and to ensure peace and prosperity in J&K,” LG Sinha said.

J&K police have taken a lead role in defeating Pakistani designs to smuggle and proliferate narcotics. Properties worth crores of many narco dealers have been seized.

 “Every single rupee earned out of narcotics will be traced to every single account and every single property. Owners of narco-profits be it private citizens or moles in government or police or any other organization shall be held accountable and prevented from ingesting it,” DGP RR Swain said:

Details of Employees Terminated

Farooq Ahmad Sheikh (Head Constable)

Farooq Ahmad Sheikh was recruited as a constable in 2000 and was posted in Kupwara. He was a part of the infamous trio of Khalid Hussain Shah of Chanipora Tangdar Kupwara and Rehmat Shah of Haridal Karnah Kupwara. The trio used deception and guise to carefully create a drug syndicate, with an effective and vast network that enabled them to not only satisfy their selfish desires but also be willing collaborators of the adversary. The trio played a pivotal role in the generation of funds derived from the narcotic trade that inevitably would be channeled to sustain the terrorist-secessionist ecosystem in J&K.

Khalid Hussian Shah (Constable)

Khalid Hussian Shah was recruited as a constable in 2009 and remained posted in Kupwara, Srinagar, and Counter Intelligence Kashmir (CIK). He was a part of the infamous trio of Rahmat Shah of Haridal Karnah Kupwara and Farooq Ahmad Sheikh of Ibkote Karnah Kupwara. After becoming familiar with drug trafficking networks, Khalid Hussian Shah exploited his position in the police to facilitate the smooth transportation and sale of drugs. Being a man in uniform made him less likely to be suspected, allowing him to go unnoticed at police checkpoints. He used his police identity card to avoid detection and evade searches of his vehicle, including those of his passengers.

Rahmat Shah (Constable)

Rahmat Shah, a constable in district Kupwara, became part of the narco-terror module including Farooq Ahmad Sheikh of village Ibkote Karnah Kupwara and Khalid Shah. During the period of his prolonged service in Kupwara, he got acquainted with several hardcore and notorious drug peddlers in the adjoining areas of Kupwara and Karnah.  In addition to Rahmat Shah, his brother Mir Hyder Shah was also involved in the illegal trade of narcotics obtained across the border. He was arrested in Jammu with 04 Kg of brown sugar in 2016 and was later detained under PSA as well.

Irshad Ahmad Chalkoo(Constable)

Irshad Ahmad Chalkoo was recruited as a constable in the executive wing of the police in 2009. After completing his training, he was posted in Anantnag, and in 2012 he was transferred to Baramulla where he was deployed as a personal security officer (PSO) with the then Dy. Director Health Kashmir Bashir Ahmad Chalkoo. Over some time he developed a close relationship with the terrorist associates of the area and started working as an Over Groundworker (OGW) with the proscribed terrorist organization Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT). Eventually, he graduated to be the point man and logistics provider in Uri Baramulla for Lashkar-e-Taiba (LeT) proscribed terror organization.

Nazam Din (Teacher)

Nazam Din, a resident of village Kirni, Poonch has been working as a teacher in the School Education Department. He was initially engaged as a teacher under the Rehbar-e-Taleem (ReT) scheme in 2014 and later got regularised in 2019. Nazam Din has exhibited a strong greed for monetary gains. Sources said it was this greed coupled with his infatuation with secessionist-terrorist ideology that drew him towards using the narco-terror system.

 Saif Din (Constable)

Saif Din, a resident of Gullu Shingani Gandoh, Doda, was appointed as a constable in the J&K Armed Police in 1995. Saif Din was a notorious drug peddler, a habitual offender, and a mastermind who manipulated the very system that was meant to curb his kind. Over the years, he managed to evade serious consequences and significant repercussions despite multiple run-ins with the law.

As per the interrogation details, it came to the fore that on the directions of ISI and their agents in Pakistan one Mohammad Sharief Shah had come from Kashmir to Jammu to hand over hawala money to former MLA Jatinder Singh alias Babu Singh.

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