KTA pitches for all weather connectivity to Kashmir

Srinagar: Kashmir Traders Alliance has urged the government to allow hassle free movement of heavy motor vehicles carrying essentials and other items on Srinagar-Jammu National Highway.
In a statement, KTA President, Aijaz Shahdhar said that there are reports that many HMVs carrying material for Kashmir are stranded along highway.
“It’s a cause of concern for the business community as the road link is the only usable transportation link for us to import goods be it raw material or finished products. When this link is blocked, our supply chain breaks, resultant is losses. We have seen recently how petrol shortage hit Kashmir and forced people to wait for hours to refill their vehicles,” Shahdhar said adding that the government must ensure hassle movement of vehicles carrying goods to Kashmir on priority.
He said that the only viable long term solution for highway mess is to construct tunnels at treacherous passes to bypass areas that are prone to landslides.
Shahdhar said that must initiate measures to ensure early completion of 4 laning of NH44 in order to provide all weather connectivity to Kashmir.

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