After taking over the silver screen with her performance in Veere Di Wedding, Kareena Kapoor Khan is all set to take over the stage too. The actor, who recently traveled to London for a vacation with husband Saif Ali Khan and little munchkin Taimur, has flown back to Mumbai to fulfill her professional commitment. Kareena would be in town for two days and during her stay, she would be rehearsing for her performance, which will take place on June 19 during the Miss India 2018 grand finale.
Kareena is going to set the stage on fire with “Tareefan” from her recent release Veere Di Wedding.
“Kareena returns to the stage after 2 years and she is really excited about her performance. She has allotted two days for rehearsals and is prepping for her act with a choreographer. Her prep session lasts for 9 hours a day. She will be performing to a medley of her favorite songs including Tareefan, Mera Naam Mary and Mauja Hi Mauja among others,” a source revealed.
After the performance, Kareena will reportedly fly back to London and join Saif and Taimur.
On the work front, Kareena Kapoor had recently shot for an advertisement with Saif Ali Khan. While the ad promo is yet to be out, the photos from the shoot went viral. Speculations are rife that Kareena has signed her next under Karan Johar’s production banner but nothing has been confirmed yet. Meanwhile, the actor said she would focus on doing only one film a year from now on.