Joint Hurriyat asks Int’l community to break silence on Kashmir

Hirra Azmat

Srinagar, Feb: As Pakistan observed the ‘Kashmir solidarity day’ on Tuesday, the Hurriyat has urged world bodies to break their “silence” over atrocities in Kashmir.

On February 5 every year, Pakistan observes Kashmir Solidarity Day (KSD) to express support to people of Jammu and Kashmir.

On this occasion, the Hurriyat leadership while thanking Pakistan for its support and encouragement, asked the world body to break its silence and take note of “human rights violations” in Kashmir.

In a statement Hurriyat (G) said its chairman Syed Ali Geelani thanked Pakistan for observing ‘Kashmir Solidarity Day’ to highlight the “oppression and suppression against the people of Jammu and Kashmir at the hands of Indian forces”.

“We are highly thankful to Pakistan for their categorical support, and we hope Pakistan will play more effective and active role in this regard. They should activate all its embassies and other human resources to highlight Kashmir issue and human rights violations in an operative method,” Geelani said in his statement.

Expressing gratitude to Pakistan, Hurriyat Conference (M) chairman, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq, termed the observance of the day in Pakistan as “encouraging”.

“As Pakistan observes #KashmirSolidarityDay people of Jammu & Kashmir express their gratitude to the state and its people for their vigorous and unwavering support to our democratic struggle for right to self-determination,” he tweeted.

Demanding immediate halt on innocent killings and arbitrary measures, Mirwaiz appealed world human rights organization for their cognizance and impressed to raise their voice and come to the rescue of “subjugated people in Kashmir”.

“Our youth is compelled to leave their career paths and take up arms. For, how long are we helplessly going to watch our young boys being sent to their graves while the international community is acting as a mute spectator,” Mirwaiz said.

Jammu Kashmir Liberation Front (JKLF) Chairman Yasin Malik said, “We thank the Pakistan government and its political leadership on behalf of

Kashmiri people for providing moral, political, and diplomatic support to the just struggle of Kashmiris.”

Malik called upon the international community by posing a question at them, “On this day, I would like to ask the international community, was it you who said that there could only be a military solution in Afghanistan?”

He said, “Today the same international community is talking to the Taliban for peace in Afghanistan, because it has understood that no nation can be defeated using military might, and that the solution to all problems lies in talks.”

Malik said that Kashmiris are being brutalized by aggression. “The international community should understand the community has understood that military might never leads to any solution. The answer lies in talks,” he said.

“From infants to teenagers to elderly people, nobody is spared. The homes that we build with love and hopes are razed to ground in split seconds. I am appealing international community to take the same efforts in resolving the Kashmir issue that they have initiated for Afganistan,” he added.

Meanwhile, Hurriyat Conference (G) chairman, Syed Ali Geelani thanked Pakistan for observing “Kashmir Solidarity Day” to highlight the “oppression and suppression” against the people of Jammu and Kashmir at the hands of Indian occupation forces.

Expressing gratitude to Pakistan, its people, leadership of Azad Kashmir and the people across the globe, who organize demonstrations, symposiums, seminars and rallies in favor of people of Jammu & Kashmir for their right to self-determination and highlight dispute and the gross human rights violations being perpetrated by Indian troops in occupied Kashmir, Hurriyat Chairman said that people in Jammu and Kashmir are challenging a big power and Pakistan is the only country that acknowledges our right to self-determination and extends its persistent support.

Hurriyat Conference (G) chairman in his message said that we are highly thankful to Pakistan for their categorical support, & we hope Pakistan will play more effective and active role in this regard. They should activate all its embassies and other human resources to highlight Kashmir issue & human rights violations in an operative method.

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