JKRLM to host women led ‘SARAS Aajeevika Fair’ from March 15

Monitor News Desk

Jammu and Kashmir Rural Livelihood Mission (JKRLM) is hosting first of its kind National Level SARAS Ajeevika Mela in Srinagar from March 15th 2023- 25th March 2023.

The Mela will provide a platform for the SHGs  associated with by Deendayal Antyodaya Yojana -National Rural Livelihoods Mission (DAY-NRLM) scheme of Ministry of Rural Development. Women SHGs of different States/UTs shall be participating in this National Level Fair.

Almost representation of SHG members from across 20 States/UTs is expected in SARAS Ajeevika Kashmir. On the display and sale shall be the finest of the hand made products of women SHGs from Gujrat, Karnataka, Punjab, Meghalaya, Goa, Delhi, UP and others. The venue shall be a special attraction for the lovers of art and culture. Traditional recreational activities for kids, folk songs and musical evenings shall enthrall the visitors. A corner for food and snacks to bring in the tang and taste for the food lovers shall be available within the premises.

Jammu and Kashmir Rural Livelihood Mission (JKRLM) is a poverty alleviation program of Government of India being implemented in Jammu and Kashmir.  Over 6 lac  women of rural areas of Jammu and Kashmir  are a part of this huge community based intervention. The aim of the Program is to make the women self reliant and help the poor households come out of the shackles of poverty by enabling them to access finances and identify resources, to create and expand their businesses.  

 JKRLM has imprinted the success stories of women SHGs, emerging out as the most powerful external support for community development.  JKRLM amalgamates the rural women to form the community institutions and handholds these institutions, thereby bringing in the most desired change in the socio-economic contours of the rural poor. 

Different interventions and initiatives are being taken by JKRLM to encourage the SHG members to earn their livelihood and to provide platform for the marketing of their end products . In the same direction, J

 Pertinently a similar Fair was conducted in Jammu in the month of February this year which was a highly successful event. More than 300 proud women artisans from 17 States/UTs participated with their handicrafts, handloom products besides their food delicacies. The visitors enjoyed buying the delicately made products of SHG members and the musical evenings.

SARAS Ajeevika Kashmir 2023 is expected to remain a great attraction for the visitors. During this season the Dal Lake remains abuzz with the commuters stopping at every point to enjoy the scenic beauty of the Lake and the gorgeous mountains behind the Lake. The Spring being around, the visitors shall have the best of the place besides the famous Dal Lake, to come to and enjoy the aroma and ambience of the ethnicity in the Mela at Boulevard road.

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