J&K clamps down on service providers fleecing tourists

SRINAGAR, MAY 29: Jammu and Kashmir has launched a massive crackdown against service providers fleecing and overcharging tourists in the valley.

Divisional Commissioner (Div Com) Kashmir, Vijay Kumar Bidhuri today convened a meeting of Officers to address the issue through proactive enforcement and regulations.

The meeting was attended by Deputy Commissioners and SSPs of Srinagar, Ganderbal, Baramulla; Director Tourism; SSP, Tourism Enforcement; RTO Kashmir; ADC Anantnag; SP Traffic Srinagar; CEOs of Gulmarg, Pahalgam and Sonmarg Development Authorities.

Addressing the meeting, Div Com directed officers and enforcement agencies to put more efforts into action to curb the overcharging of tourists and enforce the rates fixed by the Tourism and Transport departments.

He directed the concerned to keep a strong vigil on the service providers particularly Maxi-cab transporters, Houseboaters, Shikara wallas, and Poniwallas to curb the malpractice of overcharging.

Div Com also directed concerned Officers to display fixed rates on hoardings at tourist places and Shikara ghats.

He further directed for creation of a dedicated WhatsApp number for the registration of complaints round the clock.

On the occasion, the SSP Tourism Enforcement informed the meeting that an amount of Rs 143480 was realized to date during the current year from erring transporters on account of cheating and overcharging while FIR has been lodged in five cases. Besides, he informed that 170 complaints were received by the department of which 105 were disposed off.

Moreover, to give impetus to the transport facility ferrying tourists to Shankar Achariya Temple and Pari Mahal, Div Com directed RTO Kashmir to start the shuttle service on both routes immediately to reduce the crowding at tourist places along Boulevard road.

He also emphasized initiating the prepaid counters and QR service for transporters and Poniwallas as a measure to curb the exploitation of visitors.

The meeting also deliberated on an issue of oil pilferage in Dal Lake from motorized Shikaras and decided that action should be taken under the law. It was given that Shikaras are not allowed to use motors.

Div Com also instructed CCTV installation at all tourist resorts to ensure the security of tourists and service providers.

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