IFS conducts second phase of IUI workshop for doctors

SRINAGAR: In an effort to tackle the rising issue of infertility in Kashmir, the Indian Fertility Society (IFS) organized the second phase of an insightful IUI workshop. The event, part of IFS’s ongoing national academic mission, took place at the MED AGE Srinagar.

The workshop saw participation from over 30 doctors representing various hospitals within the Kashmir Health Services. The event was led by the renowned IVF expert Dr Syed Sajjad Hussain, who also serves as the National Additional Joint Secretary of IFS and Patron of the IFS Kashmir Chapter. The primary goal of the workshop was to enhance the medical practitioners’ skills and knowledge in addressing infertility and equipping them with advanced techniques.

Attendees received hands-on training focusing on the intricacies of preparation and the IUI procedure, both critical components in improving success rates in fertility treatments. Dr Hussain provided invaluable insights into patient selection criteria and the procedural nuances, empowering the doctors to make more informed decisions.

Participants were given a comprehensive tour of the MED AGE IVF Centre in Srinagar. The event featured notable gynaecologists who discussed the underlying factors contributing to the high infertility rates in the region. The doctors expressed their gratitude to the organizers and emphasized the importance of continuing such educational initiatives in Kashmir.

The success of this workshop has led to calls for future sessions to further enhance the medical community’s expertise in addressing fertility challenges, underscoring the importance of ongoing education and training in this critical area.

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