How Sunil Gavaskar saved man from being lynched

Monitor News Desk

Sunil Gavaskar’s son Rohan has blown the lid off his father’s well-kept secret after 31 years.

Heaping praise on his father’s batting skills and determination on the cricket field, Rohan Gavaskar also told the gathering about his father’s bravery and what had transpired during the 1992 riots.

During the communal riots in Mumbai in 1992-93 he showed his courage in a different way outside the cricket field. Following the demolition of the Babri Masjid, the entire city was engulfed in flames of communal carnage.

One day the former India captain witnessed an act of violence against a hapless taxi driver and his family. The family belonging to the minority community was traveling along the road when their vehicle was stopped by a murderous mob. They beat up the driver and were preparing to lynch all the family members including the children. Gavaskar was standing on the balcony of his building when he saw what was happening on the street below.

He shouted to his wife to inform the police and then rushed downstairs without any weapon in his hands except his raw courage. His wife not only told the police but also informed other residents of the building that her husband had gone out to save innocent lives. She asked them to also go and help out. A few of them showed the courage to follow Gavaskar’s example and rushed downstairs.

But Gavaskar was the first to arrive at the scene. He told the rioters: “Whatever you are thinking of doing to this man and his family, you must do it to me first. I will not step out of the way.” The violent mob knew who Gavaskar was. The Indian captain was too famous a personality to go unrecognized. Seeing the cricketer’s determination they hesitated. They could not muster the courage to fight with a world-famous cricket player.

When a few other residents of the building also arrived and took their positions beside Gavaskar, the would-be murderers realized that things would not go their way. After venting their frustration by shouting abuse at the taxi driver and his family members, they melted away and left the scene. The driver was clearly overwhelmed at this close shave and thanked Gavaskar and his neighbors profusely. Finally, Gavaskar himself advised the man to leave the scene at once and reach his home safely.

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