Hijab row: Iranian protestors dye Tehran fountains red to symbolize bloody crackdown

Monitor News Desk

Tehran: Protestors have dyed public squares fountains red in Iran to reflect the bloody three-week crackdown that has claimed scores of lives so far.

Fountains in Tehran’s Student Park, Fatemi Square, and Artists’ Park were flowing with red water.


On Twitter, activists described the red water fountains as “artworks” entitled “Tehran covered in blood”, noting that they were made by an unknown artist.

BBC Persian service later said the water had drained away, although traces of red can still be seen on the fountains, in photos posted to Instagram.

Iran has launched a crackdown against protestors after a 22-year-old Kurdish-Iranian woman was killed in custody on September 16.

Mahsa Amini’s death triggered nationwide protests prompting the police to launch a crackdown that lefts hundreds dead. Hundreds have been arrested.

On Friday, October 7, an Iranian coroner’s report found that Mahsa Amini died of multiple organ failure due to cerebral hypoxia – a condition in which a reduced supply of oxygen to the brain occurs despite adequate blood flow.

According to the Oslo-based Human Rights Organization in Iran, at least 92 people were killed in Iran in the crackdown on demonstrations taking place for more than three weeks, which included the imposition of strict restrictions on the Internet, including the ban on the platforms Instagram and WhatsApp.

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