Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat: Integration camp to be held at Srinagar

NCC Directorate of Jammu Kashmir and Ladakh will be organising a major NCC Camp called Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat Special National Integration Camp from 15 Jun to 26 Jun at the JAK LI Regimental Centre Rangreth, Srinagar. 

The event will be attended by 200 Cadets from 17 different NCC Directorates spread all over the country comprising both boys and girls. The theme of the camp is “Jammu and Kashmir a Paradise on Earth”. The aim of the camp is to foster the spirit of national integration and solidarity amongst the cadets by means of community living and working together. The camp will showcase the history, culture, traditions and practices of Jammu and Kashmir to the attending cadets, based on the Ek Bharat Shreshth Bharat initiative of the Hon’ble Prime minister with an aim to enhance the understanding and bonding between the cadets from various states, thereby strengthening the unity and integrity of India.

During the camp, apart from the daily fitness and drill practice, the cadets will be shown around places of interest like Gulmarg, undertake motivational visits to selected defence establishments, undertake mini youth exchange activities with local colleges of Srinagar, and participate in a mega social service and community development activity at Dal Lake in collaboration with local administration. The cadets will also participate in the International Yoga day program on 21 Jun. To make the event a wholesome experience and learn from each other, the cadets of each directorate will present the culture and traditions, language of their respective states to all participants and also participate in several competitions to foster the spirit of bonhomie and integration. The camp will also include visits by senior dignitaries from the state administration as well as from the armed forces, heads of colleges and schools as well as parents of cadets from Kashmir valley. The camp has received full support from the office of Divisional Commissioner Kashmir.

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