Desire for male child ends in tragedy: Faith healer hammers nail into pregnant woman’s skull  

Monitor News Desk

A fake faith healer allegedly hammered a nail into a pregnant woman’s head after she sought divine blessing to bear a male child.

Investigation revealed that the victim was a mother to three daughters. Her husband had allegedly threatened to leave her if she gave birth to a fourth girl.

The woman was rushed to Lady Reading Hospital where neurosurgeon Dr. Haider confirmed that she was pregnant and had suffered a severe head injury.

The nail was surgically removed from her head. Dr. Haider further stated that the woman claimed she wanted a son because her husband did not like daughters which is why she went to the peer.

“She is three months pregnant and because of her husband’s fear she went to the faith healer,” hospital staff said.

Staff also quoted the victim as saying that she would get an ultrasound done after some time to learn the gender of her child.

Peshawar police chief Abbas Ahsan took notice after pictures of the woman went viral on social media and directed SP City Ateeq Shah to trace the victim and the “fake aamil”.

CCPO Ahsan said that a special team had been constituted to “bring to justice the fake peer (faith healer) who played with the life of an innocent woman and put a nail in her head with [the] false promise of a male child.”

“The team will also investigate why [the] incident was not reported to [the] police by the treating doctor,” he said.

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