Connectivity Gap

Monitor News Bureau

In today’s digital age, internet connectivity is a fundamental right, essential for economic growth, education and access to information. The internet has revolutionised the way we live, work, and communicate and its impact on society cannot be overstated. However, despite India’s significant progress in digitalisation, a substantial portion of its population remains disconnected from the internet. The rural-urban divide in internet penetration is a pressing concern, with only 41% of rural India having access to the internet, compared to 71% in urban areas. Jammu and Kashmir, a region with immense potential for economic growth, too faces challenges in bridging the internet connectivity gap. To address this issue, Chief Secretary Atal Dulloo recently chaired a meeting of the State Broadband Committee. The committee had been constituted to overlook the process of providing affordable and universal broadband access to all rural and far off pockets of Jammu and Kashmir. This initiative is a major step towards bridging the internet connectivity gap and ensuring digital empowerment for all. Out of the 847 identified sites in J&K, land has been allotted for 751 locations by both Revenue and Forest Departments for 4G saturation in the UT. The foundation work at 333 locations has been completed, and the same is under process in 118 more locations. Moreover, 231 towers have been erected, with 26 commissioned and 11 BTS put on air. VSATs have been provided at 692 locations, with plans to restore non-functional Gram Panchayats shortly. The Amended Bharat Net Program (ABP-Phase III) has been approved for pan India, including J&K, aiming to cover all 427 GPs and BHQs with OFC ring architecture. The program also includes the installation of MPLS routers at all 4299 GPs and 285 BHQs, ensuring high-speed broadband connections to rural populations. This initiative will not only provide internet access but also enable the deployment of various e-government services, e-education, and e-healthcare services. The government’s commitment to providing amenities like land, power and other requisite support to the telecommunication agency is a positive step towards bridging the internet connectivity gap. The establishment of a customer management portal and a helpline for registration of grievances will ensure efficient service delivery and redressal of issues. This will enable the rural population to access the internet and participate in the digital economy, thereby bridging the rural-urban divide. In addition to the government’s initiatives, there are several other measures that can be taken to bridge the internet connectivity gap in J&K. These include investing in technology and education, promoting digital literacy, and encouraging private sector participation in the development of digital infrastructure. By adopting a multi-stakeholder approach, the region can leverage the strengths of various stakeholders to achieve digital empowerment. Therefore, bridging the internet connectivity gap in J&K is essential for digital empowerment and inclusion. The government’s initiatives, along with the efforts of BSNL, are steps in the right direction. By providing affordable and universal broadband access, the region can unlock its economic potential, enhance productivity and bridge the rural-urban divide.

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