Bollywood actress Sara Ali Khan has posted a bunch of pictures as she went on a vacation to the Kashmir valley with her mother-actor Amrita Singh.
She was also accompanied by her friends and Sara has been frequently visiting Kashmir.
Dressed in warm clothes, Sara sat outdoors as she closed her eyes and leaned on her friend who stood behind her in the next photo.
Sara was seen in a different outfit as she hugged her friend in the next picture. Sara, her friends, and Amrita Singh sat around an indoor fireplace as they posed for the next picture. Sara, dressed in a saffron sweater and beige pants, kept her hands near the fire as she looked towards it. Amrita opted for a black outfit as she sat behind her daughter.
Sara Ali Khan, keeping up with her poetic prowess, added a caption that read, “Hello full moon phase. Snow-clad mountains with sunny rays. Sitting by the fire enjoying the flame the haze. Nights are warm, sun-kissed swim in the days. Phones been off this week so time to hear what Sara says.”
She added the hashtags #purnima and #fullmoon to her post.