Corruption is a cancer: a cancer that eats away at a citizen’s faith in democracy, diminishes the instinct for innovation and creativity; already-tight national budgets, crowding out important national investments. It wastes the talent of entire generations. It scares away investments and jobs. Joe Biden
Gone are the days when a candidate’s amity and immolation was enough for winning an election. Earlier politics was considered as a staunch service to the society, but now it has become a juicy profession. Today most of the politicians enter politics just to make some personal accrual. They make some easy money by, means of corrupt practices. Some thinkers believe that social inequality is the root cause of the criminalization of politics. In the social and economic sphere inequality is the order of the day. A large section of Indian population is illiterate and poverty stricken. Therefore the main focus is on quick fixes. It is easier to create job and educational quotas for backward castes and minorities than to invest in basic education that empowers them to compete with props. Actually in India Politician-Criminal nexus has extended maximum support to each other for building an inaccessible empire of their own. This nexus has given rise to burgeon of extra- constitutional power centers, which have rendered the constitutional arrangement extraneous. Former President A.P.J Kalam made appoint, when he sought clarification on this gingery issue. ’’How is it that while an applicant for even a peon’s post is expected to be qualified, the elected Representatives who sway the lives of more than 1000 million of our fellow men and women are not to have any education at all.’’
As the reverend Mahatma would have said that, the throng must have promised to do the same. Today, the same sentence but with “not” being superfluous, is agreeable. Recent time is witnessing a sharp fall in the values and morals of human beings. Evincing the very fact, India has been ranked 81st by Transparency International’s Corruption Perception Index. Corruption is the abuse of entrusted power for private gain. The former U.N. Secretary General, Kofi Annan said,” Corruption is an insidious plague that has a wide range of corrosive effects on the society. It undermines democracy and the rule of law, leads to violation of the human rights, distorts markets, erodes the quality of life and it allows organized crime, terrorism and other threats to human security to flourish Corruption has today assumed alarming proportions. The demon of corruption has taken a massive shape from horizon to zenith. Right from bribing our children to go to school to our last breathe, almost every citizen of the nation; lives corrupt. A series of factors burgeon the cause. The underlying principle is but of course, the eternal hunger and greed for money, power, position or a favour; which overrides our sense of judgment and humanity. The causes of corruption in India include excessive regulations, complicated taxes and licensing systems, numerous government departments each with opaque bureaucracy and discretionary powers, monopoly by government controlled institutions on certain goods and services delivery, and the lack of transparent laws and processes.The mammoth appetite of those in entrusted positions and the weak morals and determination of the citizens; together weave a web to trap the development of both the individual and the nation.Myriad studies prove clean countries grow at a much higher pace than those battling the omnipresent monster. In India itself, reduction in corruption levels would mean an extra 4-5% G.D.P. growth. The inflation rate would never rise to 7.23% and no citizen would be starved to death whilst his share of food is swallowed by the termites. As of December 2016, 30% of India’s 523 parliament members were facing corruption charges..Even after 70 years of independence, India is ranked to be the 81th most corrupt country. Younger as free nations like Nepal and Bangladesh,have been successful in wiping out the demon effectively. Not just words but anti-corruption workshops are organized there and people are persuaded to develop together by forbearing the raising of greed. From former P.M., Mrs Indira Gandhi’s “GaribiHatao” to present day campaigns of “BhrashtacharMitao”, the most common whetstone to grind political axes has been corruption and its ill effects. Be in the form of bribes, extortions or promises of favour; corruption has always ate into the vitals of society. Anti-corruption actions have produced a mountain of words and hardly, a molehill of solid results. It is now high time for introspecting and unveiling mighty swords to bear down corruption.Stringent and firm steps a needed to end the tyranny. All the three limbs of government: Legislature, executive and judiciary need to kick start with ventilated room for the code of conduct and the watch dog agencies. With the huge groundswell of public anger, civil societies and social movements have already come to life. But what we need more is active and responsible participation of the media. Accountability and transparency must be generated by the combination of political will from the top and public pressure at the base. And most important of all, the rich barricaded morals of the scriptures should be instilled in the youth generation. Education system can play a very vital role to ensure safe and developed future. If all what we discuss on the issue, is put into action; the golden phoenix (India) will revive. Only then, can corruption just be a theory to India.
Encapsulating, this accolade of being the 81st most corrupt nation should be taken as a challenge. A challenge to re-glorify the nation’s tarnishing image. The demon of corruption cannot be brought to death-knell with mere cross-bows.Unless a collective effort is made to hinder the policies that create enormous incentives for corruption, the fight will be incomplete.
And remember, looking back is futile. If, we could not prevent; let us cure our ailing nation.After all, every saint has a past and every sinner a future. Drastic changes in the mindset can be brought about by inner urge and efforts.Greedy business people and unscrupulous investors should stop bribing the political elites.Don’t be either at the receiving or at the bribing end. Political elites should stop putting their private gains before the welfare of citizens and economic development of their regions. Government should include a chapter in text books related to corruption and its desire consequences.We are all need to stop talking about Corruption but we right now start ourselves take the initiative and bebrave ourselves. Corruption is going to end only when people like us stand up and speak out.If we do not take step forward to remove corruption from root, the word developing country will always be attached with our country India. So we the common man are solution for removing corruption from our India and hence we will be also helpful in making our country developed. It is’s generation is willing to change this system. And soon corruption is gone out from India.Every person should have his own responsibility to avoid corruption.
The life and future of the nation is secure only when the nation is corruption free. Corruption is destruction and it cannot control unless citizen of country become an active partner to control it. Co-operation of the people to tackle this problem is must. Honest and dedicated persons in public life could be the most important instrument to tackle corruption. Priority should be given to make all public offices more people-friendly in reality. The fight against Corruption may well begin with simple acts of documentation. Media also can play a significant role to abolish the corruption by exposing the corruption. In last, for the development of the country, it is the duty of every citizen to make joint efforts to free the country from the clutches of this Narakasura- corruption.
A strong youth movement in the country only can remove corruption and each student should take a vow to begin this exercise courageously within the family-Former President Dr.A.P.J.AbdulKalam.
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