Art 35-A challenge:DGP terms report of possible revolt in police as ‘rubbish’


Srinagar, Aug 05: Rubbishing the reports of any possible’ revolt’ within the Police ranks if the Supreme Court scarped Article-35 –A, Jammu and Kashmir Police Sunday said that there was authenticity in the news report carried by a section of press.

Speaking to KNS, DGP, and Dr. S.P Vaid said that the report was ‘rubbish’ and carry no credibility. Reports had surfaced in media had earlier in the day that Government had received intelligence reports about the possible revolt within the ranks of Jammu and Kashmir Police in case the controversial state subject law was tampered with.

Many media outlets have reported that Intelligence agencies have warned that there could be a “revolt” in the police ranks and massive unrest in Jammu and Kashmir if the Supreme Court passes an “adverse” order on Article 35A of the Constitution on Monday. The reports had quoted Director General of Police, admitting that the local police had a view about this emotive issue.

The top court will hear a petition challenging the constitutional validity of the presidential order of 1954, which defines “permanent residents of Jammu and Kashmir”, and bars non-locals from buying and owning land in the state.

The DGP however, denied any kind of intelligence inputs and said his force was a ‘professional force’ and for them, “Duty comes first’. He however, hoped that the hearing will be deferred. The DGP added, that the standing council of the State Government has submitted in writing in Supreme Court requesting for deferment of the hearing. He Situation remained peaceful on Sunday barring a few minor stone pelting incidents in Srinagar but admitted that there was a complete shut down across the valley. He said police has no problem with the ‘peaceful protests’ on the issue.

Sensing trouble, the state government has already requested the apex court to delay the hearing till local body and panchayat elections due in October. Last year too, the Supreme Court had deferred hearing after the centre said that the government has appointed an interlocutor to hold negotiations with various stakeholders in the state.

Meanwhile the normal life came to a complete standstill across the valley on the first day of the two day shutdown call given by Joint Hurriyat in order to register protest against what they said – any attempt to fiddle with the state subject Law-. All business establishments in the valley were closed whereas roads wore a deserted look as the transport went off the road. The railway authorities had suspended the train services on Banihal -Baramulla track. Joint Hurriyat has given two day strike beginning from Sunday.

Reports said that peaceful protest was held across the state today. Civil society, employees, separatist, trade union leaders, lawyers staged peaceful protests across the State in favour of the state subject provision.

In Jammu political parties, lawyers, civil society members, trade unions and others staged protest warning against any tempering with the Article 35-A.

In Kargil also, the civil society, lawyers and other political parties staged protests raising voice against scraping the article.

State government employees, trade unions, business associations, civil society groups and lawyers have also threatened to go on protest if the special constitutional position of the state was compromised. For the last one week, there have been series of protests as clamor is growing to retain Article 35A.

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