Srinagar, JAN 1: Director Agriculture Kashmir, Syed Altaf Aijaz Andrabi on Monday reviewed the progress of implementation of different State and Centrally Sponsored Schemes in the Kashmir division at Agriculture Complex Lalmandi.
He also took stock of various activities performed by the department in the changing Agro-climatic scenario of the valley
Concerned Officers of different districts of Agriculture and allied sectors gave a detailed description of various activities carried out at different levels of the department.
The meeting was informed that for sustainable development of Agriculture crop experts and field functionaries provide technical assistance to the farmers.
It was also informed that the funds so far released under different schemes and projects have been allocated judiciously and almost 100% expenditure has been achieved.
While speaking on the occasion Director Agriculture Kashmir said that every technical support and guidance should be made available to the farmers amid unfavourable weather conditions and changing Agro-climatic scenario of the valley and the proceedings should be closely monitored.
He impressed upon the concerned officers to mobilize their human resource so that they can provide technical support to farmers on ground in order to achieve the targets in terms of quality and quantity of different crops.
Director Agriculture called upon the Officers to adopt pro-active approach in reaching out to farmers to ensure speedy deliverance of technical services to them.
Andrabi said the department is closely monitoring the performance of Officers dealing with the farmers at different levels of administration and appropriate action will be initiated against the non-performing officers and officials. At the conclusion of the meeting, Director Agriculture impressed upon the officers for coordinated efforts and assured them all the cooperation and assistance for the development of socio-economic status of the farming community.