Adolescent Girls Advised to Control Sexual Urges; Adolescent Boys to Respect Young Girls: Calcutta High Court

Monitor News Desk

The Calcutta High Court recently addressed the complex issue of adolescent relationships and sexual education. In a specific case involving a youth accused of raping a minor with whom he had a ‘romantic affair,’ the court made several noteworthy observations and recommendations.

The court expressed concerns regarding the conflation of consensual acts among adolescents with sexual abuse under the Protection of Children from Sexual Offences Act (POCSO Act) and called for a reconsideration of the legal framework for consensual sexual acts among adolescents above 16 years.

In its detailed judgment, the court provided insights into the biology of sexual urges, emphasizing that these urges are influenced by external stimuli. The court proposed a ‘duty/obligation based approach’ for both adolescent females and males. It outlined specific duties for each:

Duties for Adolescent Females:

  1. Protect their right to the integrity of their bodies.
  2. Safeguard their dignity and self-worth.
  3. Strive for overall personal development, transcending gender barriers.
  4. Exercise control over sexual urges, recognizing societal perceptions.
  5. Protect their right to the autonomy of their bodies and privacy.

Duties for Adolescent Males:

  1. Respect the duties of young girls and women, as outlined above.
  2. Train their minds to respect women, their self-worth, dignity, privacy, and bodily autonomy.

The court underscored the importance of sex education, particularly emphasizing the role of parents in guiding and educating their children about issues surrounding sexuality. It called for a conducive family atmosphere where no child grows up believing it is acceptable to violate women, highlighting the need for comprehensive sex education that includes aspects of reproductive health and hygiene as part of the school curriculum.

This judgment aims to provide guidance and promote a more informed and responsible approach to adolescent relationships, while also advocating for a more holistic sexual education curriculum in schools. Advocates and legal representatives on all sides played essential roles in presenting their arguments and perspectives before the court.

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