98% of Indian Muslims are free to practice their religion: Pew Research

Monitor News Desk

According to a recent report by the nonpartisan fact tank, Pew Research Center, 98% of India’s Muslims are able to freely practice their religion in the country.

Only 2% expressed that they felt “not too free” to practice their religion, with virtually no one answering “not at all free.”

This information was cited by American sociologist Salvatore Babones in an Opinion piece published in the Washington Examiner.

The piece compares the situation of minorities in India and the United States, as there have been reports questioning India’s democracy originating from the US. It is worth noting that the US Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) included India in its annual report and recommended it, along with 16 other countries, to be designated as “Countries of Particular Concern” by the State Department.

According to Pew Research Center’s survey, 95% of Muslims in India stated that they are “proud to be Indian.”

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